All As One

A holy war with a bloodstained hand
F14’s in the promised land
they try to explain on the cable news
the more they say the more they confuse
== chorus ==
So I/we/they teach the children
I/we/they love my/our/their wife
I/We/They work my/our/their job
to create a life
defend my/our/their country
behold my/our/their god
the hope for tomorrow
for the daughters and sons
our blood, our brothers, all as one
== verse 2 ==
where are we heading – can anyone tell
I see death and destruction – a living hell
Children wonder, they’re no fools
whatever happened to the golden rule
== verse 3 ==
the cars we’re driving made to consume
the houses we live in – so many rooms
and the stores with their shelves piled so high
so many people ready to fight
== verse 4 ==
Towers to dust, tragedy’s dream
the rockets red glare, in nightvision green
medals of honor – memories of war
but do they know what they’re dying for
Copyright 2015, Frank Imburgio